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This chart shows just how many jobs can be done from home in other countries

  • Many people around the world are working from their homes during the novel coronavirus.
  • However, the number of jobs that can be done at home varies by country.
  • Researchers at the University of Chicago extended their previous results on work from home around the US to include the share of jobs that can be done in other countries.
  • We ranked the 12 countries with the highest GDP per capita to find their share of jobs that can be done from home.
  • Luxembourg had the highest share of jobs that can most likely be completed at home. 
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
A lot of people find themselves working from home during the novel coronavirus. However, not every job can be done remotely, and the number further varies by country. 
A recent report by Jonathan I. Dingel and Brent Neiman from The University of Chicago analyzed the share of jobs that can be done at home in different countries. This builds off their previous research of which US cities have the highest share of occupations that can be done at home.
To find the percentage of jobs that can be done at home around the world, Dingel and Neiman mapped the Standard Occupational Classification system from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics to the International Labour Organization's International Standard Classification of Occupations. The researchers found these two codes didn't always map to one unique code, so they adjusted by a weighted average for each country.
It is important to note their classification of telework jobs was based on their US classification from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). The researchers wrote "the nature of an occupation likely varies across economies with different income levels."
Their results show that the lower a country's GDP per capita, the lower the share of jobs that can be done at home. The researchers note in the paper this means "developing economies and emerging markets may face an even greater challenge in continuing to work during periods of stringent social distancing."
The following chart shows the share of jobs that can be done in 12 countries with the highest GDP per capita. Of these countries, Luxembourg had the highest share of jobs that can potentially be done at home at 53.4%. That is 11.8 percentage points higher than the share of jobs that can be done at home in the US, 41.6%.
work from home in countries with largest GDP from dataset
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